A dataclass for building and querying AWS URNs.

AWS URNs are a standardised string format (name borrowed from Pulumi) which provide all the information required to find a resource in AWS, whereas AWS ARNs do not always provide this information.

# Format
# e.g.


>>> from cloudwanderer import URN
>>> URN.from_string('urn:aws:111111111111:eu-west-2:ec2:vpc:vpc-11111111')
URN(account_id='111111111111', region='eu-west-2', service='ec2', resource_type='vpc', resource_id='vpc-11111111')
class URN(account_id, region, service, resource_type, resource_id, cloud_name=None)

A dataclass for building and querying AWS URNs.

__init__(account_id, region, service, resource_type, resource_id, cloud_name=None)

Initialise an AWS Urn.

  • account_id (str) – AWS Account ID (e.g. 111111111111).

  • region (str) – AWS region (e.g. eu-west-1).

  • service (str) – AWS Service (e.g. ec2).

  • resource_type (str) – AWS Resource Type (e.g. instance)

  • resource_id (str) – AWS Resource Id (e.g. i-11111111)

  • cloud_name (str) – The name of the cloud this resource exists in (defaults to 'aws')

Return type


classmethod from_string(urn_string)

Create an URN Object from an URN string.


urn_string (str) – The string version of an AWSUrn to convert into an object.


The instantiated AWS URN.

Return type


property is_subresource

Return whether or not this urn pertains to a subresource.

A subresource is a resource which does not have its own cloud provider identity and is only accessible by referring to a parent resource.