Writing a Custom Resource

In this example we’re going to write a custom resource for Lambda Layers.


Before getting started you should definitely check out Anatomy of a Custom Resource to get an overview of the data structure we are going to build.

Get the metadata

First we’re going to use the AWS CLI to get an example response JSON for the API call we need to make to list Lambda Layers

$ aws lambda list-layers
    "Layers": [
            "LayerName": "test-layer",
            "LayerArn": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789012:layer:test-layer",
            "LatestMatchingVersion": {
                "LayerVersionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789012:layer:test-layer:1",
                "Version": 1,
                "Description": "This is a test layer!",
                "CreatedDate": "2020-10-17T13:18:00.303+0000",
                "CompatibleRuntimes": [

Create the tests

We can now use this to build TestLambdaLayers in tests/integration/custom_resources/lambda/test_lambda_layers.py.

We need to populate the following attributes in this class:

  • mock

  • expected_result

  • single_resource_scenarios

  • multiple_resource_scenarios

We don’t actually need to specify any tests as the scenarios we specify will be run automatically will be run by the NoMotoMock mixin we’re inheriting from.

Populate the mock

class TestLambdaLayers(NoMotoMock, unittest.TestCase):
    layer_payload = {
        "LayerName": "test-layer",
        "LayerArn": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789012:layer:test-layer",
        "LatestMatchingVersion": {
            "LayerVersionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789012:layer:test-layer:1",
            "Version": 1,
            "Description": "This is a test layer!",
            "CreatedDate": "2020-10-17T13:18:00.303+0000",
            "CompatibleRuntimes": ["nodejs10.x"],

    mock = {
        "lambda": {
            "list_layers.return_value": {
               "Layers": [layer_payload],

We’re populating the return_value of list_layers as this is the name of the Boto3 client method that will be used internally to fetch the resource. We don’t need to worry about handling pagination as this is handled for us by the NoMotoMock mixin.

Populate the scenarios

Now we need to populate our scenarios.

  • Single resource scenarios

    These scenarios are the expected argument and return values from write_resource. Lambda Layers do not have a Describe* API call and there is no other way to retrieve the metadata for a specific layer without listing all of them. This means that our expected_results value for single_resource_scenario is UnsupportedResourceTypeError.

  • Multiple resource scenarios

    These scenarios are the expected argument and return values from write_resources. Because we split out our return_value into a separate layer_payload property when we set up the mockdata, we can re-use that as our expected_results value for the multiple_resource_scenarios.

class TestLambdaLayers(NoMotoMock, unittest.TestCase):
    single_resource_scenarios = [
    multiple_resource_scenarios = [
            arguments=CloudWandererCalls(regions=["eu-west-1"], service_names=["lambda"], resource_types=["layer"]),

Populate the definition

Now we’ve written our tests we can set about creating our definition file in cloudwanderer/resource_definitions/lambda.json.


Check out Anatomy of a Custom Resource to get an overview of the data structure we are going to build.

To populate our resource definition we need:

  1. Collection Request Operation Name

  2. Collection Identifier

  3. Collection Resource Path

  4. Resource Shape

Getting the request operation name

We need to lookup the API request operation name in the BotoCore service definition so that we can confirm we have the right API method name and as the starting point for discovering the resource shape. Visit Botocore’s specification data on GitHub and open the latest service-2.json for your service. In our case this is lambda/2015-03-31/service-2.json

Look for the PascalCase name of the Boto3 method we would use to query this resource. In our case list_layers becomes ListLayers. This is our Request Operation Name.


Getting the resource shape

We now need to find out what the BotoCore resource shape is for the resource returned from our API call (ListLayers). You can see above that our ListLayers outputs a ListLayersResponse resource type. Search for that to find what shape that contains.


We can see this has the shape LayersList, let’s search for that.


This is helpful! Our next stop is right below the last, we can see that this contains a LayersListItem which is our Resource Shape.

Determining the collection resource identifier

The identifier of this resource will be the element of the resource shape which is unique in this region in this account. Don’t be fooled into using the ARN if another shorter unique identifier is available. While LayerARN may seem our obvious candidate, we actually want LayerName. This is because:

  1. LayerName is unique across all layers in this account and region

  2. LayerName is the argument to list-layer-versions which we will probably need in the future.

  3. LayerName is an easier resource_id for our URN creation.

Our identifier has three elements:

  • Target (the name we will use to refer to the identifier later)

  • Source (where the identifier can be found, in this case response because it comes from the ListLayers response)

  • Path (the JMESPath to the identifier within the ListLayers response)

The trickiest of these is the Path. The easiest way to figure out what it is is to take the JSON payload you retrieved earlier from aws lambda list-layers and paste it into jmespath.org and build your JMESPath there.


Putting those three pieces together we end up with something that looks like this:

    "target": "LayerName",
    "source": "response",
    "path": "Layers[].LayerName"

Determining the collection resource path

The is simply the JMESPath that retuns a single resource from the response. You can re-use the JSON output you pasted into https://jmespath.org above and try:


Populating the collection

Now we have the various components we can write our collection specification:

    "service": {
        "hasMany": {
            "Layers": {
                "request": {
                    "operation": "ListLayers"
                "resource": {
                    "type": "Layer",
                    "identifiers": [
                            "target": "LayerName",
                            "source": "response",
                            "path": "Layers[].LayerName"
                    "path": "Layers[]"
    "resources": { }

The most crucial things here are:

  1. The collection request operation name is correct on line 6

  2. The resource type on line 9 matches the name of the key we will create under resources in the next step.

  3. The identifier path on line 14 is correct

  4. The collection resource path on line 17 is correct

Populate the resource

    "service": {  },
    "resources": {
        "Layer": {
            "identifiers": [
                    "name": "LayerName",
                    "memberName": "LayerName"
            "shape": "LayersListItem"

There’s very little to our resource. We’re specifying that we’re inheriting the LayerName as an identifier from the collection members. The most crucial things here are:

  1. That the resource name on line 4 matches the resource type specified in the collection. This does not have to match any Boto3 or BotoCore names and will be the name you supply when calling write_resources with the service_names argument.

  2. That the shape on line 11 is the shape we found in the Botocore service-2.json definition.


Normally we would have a load key inside our resource, however in this case Lambda Layers have no Describe API method therefore we cannot load them by layer name. The impact of this is that we cannot use write_resource() with this resource type.

Writing the Service Map

The service map is CloudWanderer’s store for resource type metadata that does not fit into the Boto3 specification. It broadly follows the structure of Boto3’s to try and keep things simple and consistent. For our new Layer resource we just need to ensure that the following exists in service_mappings/lambda.json

    "service": {
        "globalService": false,
        "regionalResources": true
    "resources": {
        "Layer": {
            "type": "baseResource"
  • globalService indicates whether the service has a Global API or not (that is, whether all API requests go to a single region, e.g. us-east-1 for IAM).

  • regionalResources indicates whether the service has regional resources or not (most do, but some, like IAM do not).

  • type indicates what type of resource this is, either baseResource, subresource or secondaryAttribute.

Running the tests

Now you’ve put all the pieces together you need to run the tests. You can see the full test code on github. As well as the full resource specification (alongside Lambda Function).

To run the tests:

# Install the pre-reqs
$ pip install -r requirements-test.txt -r requirements.txt
# Install the package in interactive mode
$ pip install -e .
# Run the tests
$ pytest tests/integration/custom_resources/lambda/test_layers.py
=== 2 passed in 2.28s ==

Submit a PR!

Congratulations! You have successfully created a new resource! If you submit a Pull Request to https://github.com/CloudWanderer-io/CloudWanderer/ with your new resource we will get it merged in and released for everyone to use as quickly as we possibly can! If you find you’re not getting the attention you deserve for whatever reason, contact us on twitter.