CloudWanderer Exceptions

CloudWanderer’s Exceptions.

exception BadRequestError

The Cloud API returned a Bad Request Error.

For some services for some clouds this is the same as a ResourceNotFoundError error.

exception BadServiceMapError

There was an insconsistency in the service map for this operation.

exception BadUrnAccountIdError

Raised when an URN is passed to get_resource with an account other than the one the session is for.

exception BadUrnIdentifiersError

Raised when an URN has the wrong number or type of identifier parts.

exception BadUrnRegionError

Raised when an URN is passed to get_resource with a region that is not possible.

exception BadUrnSubResourceError

Raised when an URN for a subresource is passed to get resource.

exception GlobalServiceResourceMappingNotFoundError

Global Service Resource Mapping not Found.

exception ResourceActionDoesNotExistError

Resource does not exist on this service as supported by CloudWanderer.

exception ResourceNotFoundError

Requested resource was not found.

exception UnsupportedResourceTypeError

The resource type in question is not supported for this operation.

exception UnsupportedServiceError

The service in question is not supported for this operation.